Friday, May 4, 2012

Musings on History

One blog a month? That seems about right. Man this blogging thing tough! Maybe I just don’t have the moxie to get it done? Doesn’t matter, I’m not going to let that stop me.

Most of my current busyness comes from the fact that I’m teaching a class on Church History. I am historian by trade. But I still have to come up with this curriculum for a church history course. I’m learning so much. I’m sure the amount I’m learning is only a fraction of what I actually impart upon my students. History, as I’m finding out, has a lot to teach us about being men and being Christian. Below is a short list of things I’ve learned.

1.      History is littered with strong Christian men.
There was Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, and Martin Luther just to name just a few. What these men have in common was that they were lions for the faith. All of these men, in one fashion or another, experienced various hardships. They remained undeterred. The persevered and stood up for what was right. These are men we should seek to emulate because of the ferocity in which they fought for the name of Jesus.

2.      No matter how great they were our heroes are fallen.
Even though I know about their flaws (for example Luther with his anti-Semitism and Whitfield with his promotion of slavery) it makes me sad to see these great men marred by regrettable decisions and viewpoints. But the point is that we shouldn’t be worshiping them anyways. Every human who has ever lived, with one exception, has had a tragic flaw. The fallen-ness of these great men should make us realize the greatness of Jesus.

3.      Doctrine isn’t born; it’s forged in the crucible of debate.
I’ve learned lots of new things about doctrine and the struggles for that doctrine’s place by studying history. By studying the early church I’ve discovered why what we think about Christ’s mind is important. Many of the doctrines we take for granted about Christianity were fought over for centuries. Then those battles began anew in the Reformation.

4.      There are some great sources out there waiting to be read.
Don’t believe me? Check out Jonathan Edwards’ classic Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God!

History is great! Fact.

What did you think? Leave me a comment.

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