Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Book Review: Christian Are Hate-Filled Hypocrites . . . and Other Lies You’ve Been Told by Bradley R.E. Wright 

I’ll be the first to admit that reading a book about statistics was would not be my first choice. But I chose this book alone on the strength of its title which is, in case you didn’t notice, AWESOME! This book is the 10th or so book that I’ve read with a group of friends we call the Broadly Thinking Christian’s Men Club. I have to admit that this book is perfect edition to this group. Wright not only challenges some of the most commonly held misconceptions about Christians and Christianity but does so in an extremely approachable and entertaining way.

Wright takes up the seemingly insurmountable take of trying to convince us that many of our “favorite” statistics about Christianity are often not as accurate as they might appear. Wright tackles these questions with wit, charm, and thoroughness. Each chapter addresses a specific subset of stereotypes and conceptions about Christianity. Do Christian’s behave morally? Is Christianity going to die out in the next decade? Are Christians racist? While we are all familiar with the standard answers to these questions the ones the Wright provides are insightful, convincing, and more than a little surprising.

No book review is complete without noting flaws and while this book was excellent it wasn’t perfect. I have only one major gripe with this book. The call to action is almost nonexistent. Throughout the book the thought in the back of mind was, “Interesting, now what do I do?” Should these stats make us content or worried? Should we tell people about these great stats or do we rest on our haunches? I dare say that Wright even dodges the issue entirely in the final chapter of the book. He simply tells us that now we can think more critically. But even that chapter is written with such finesse and humor that it’s hard to be upset.

How is it important to the Christian Man?

I would say that Christians Are is a great book for anyone to read. But since this is a blog for Christian men I suppose I should play to my constituency. 1 Peter 3:15 calls us to always be ready to give a defense of the faith. This book helps to accomplish that end. In addition to taking a closer look at statistics about Christianity he challenges us to think more critically. Wright points out that stats somehow bypass the critical thinking part of our brain and go right to the “that makes sense” part of our brain. But why should this be? The answer is it shouldn’t.


I strongly recommend this book for anyone who has ever heard a stat, anyone who is a Christian, anyone who wants to think more critically, and anyone who enjoys humor.

Monday, February 13, 2012

I’m starting up my blog again with. I know what you’re thinking,

“Here’s the return of the blog that nobody asked for.” 

True as that may be, I’m back. Deal with it.

I’m even starting up a new feature! Man-Up Monday. Wherein on Mondays I’ll share with you man knowledge. Some of it will come from my own brain, some of it will come from elsewhere, and some will come from guest contributors (any takers?) For that minority that wasn’t thinking the above statement allow me to introduce my first topic for Man-Up Monday . . .
Making a budget

Few things are more boring than making a budget. Not that that’s out of the way let me continue by saying few things are more rewarding than making a budget. Let’s take a quick look at the pros and cons of making a budget.

  • You’ll always know how much money you have
  • You’ll always know where you money is being spent
  • You can adjust your spending habits to save more or less money
  • You never have to feel guilty about spending as long as you stay in the budget.
  • You’ll have more money than you know what to do with. 

As you can tell from the above list I really like using a budget. So let’s get started. 

Getting Started

Without a doubt the best way to make and keep to a budget is using Microsoft Excel or a comparable program. You can do a budget without a computer (who are you and how are you reading this blog?) but it is much easier with one. Excel is by far and away the best program. But there is freeware from Open Office that will do just fine. Before we make the sheet there are a couple of questions you need to figure out. Here are a few,
How much do I make in a month? (I do my budget by month but you can do yours by week.)
What do I want to save for?
What are things I have to pay? (Things like rent, food, and car insurance)

How much do I pay for the things I have to pay for?

Have you figured out the answers? No? Too bad we’re moving on any ways. 


Sorry about the quality :(

Here’s a shot of how I set up my budget.

You’ll see that I’ve itemized every expense (blue arrow).

Itemize? That mean’s I’ve specifically noted every expense and subtracted it from what I make every month. By the way, you don’t need to know how poor I really am so I made up the numbers. But I assure you I don’t clear 60K per year.

Also, you’ll notice that I have tabs on the bottom (Pictured above, black arrow). These tabs further itemize all my expenses. Let’s take a closer look at the “food” tab.

I'll try for better pics on the next post. But you get the idea.

You see that on the left I’ve included the date (blue arrow), the place I spent the money (black arrow), and how much I spend (yellow arrow). You’ll also notice that the number on the right keeps going down. The reason it’s going down is because Excel is automatically subtracting based on a formula I put in.
Pretty cool, right?

At this point you’re asking, “how can I make an awesome budget like this?” I’m not gonna tell you this week.

Come back next week and I’ll get into the nitty gritty of making your own budget.

It’s good to be back . . .

Did you like this post? Did you hate this post? Just let me know your weren’t completely indifferent! Email your comments here.

Friday, February 10, 2012

*** We're getting a lot of traffic because of a post on TGC. I'm working on new material after a brief hiatus. Subscribe to my twitter feed for updates on our new blog posts. In the meantime enjoy this "classic."

Pornography. It is now ubiquitous in our internet society. No matter where you turn on the internet it won’t be long before you see scantily clad women and men. A few clicks from there an you’ll have access to hours of videos depicting strangers having rough sex with each other. But porn is bad, right? If you grew up, or are in, a Christian church no doubt you’ve heard this message. Even secular psychologists agree that as men and women become more interested in virtual partners they become less interested in their actual partners. So there, it’s settled. Porn is bad, both sides agree on that.

But not so fast, if that is the case why does porn remain a multi-billion dollar industry? The reason is because there is something we like about porn even though we know it’s wrong.

So how do we stop? This is the question that much of secular psychology lets us down on. The love or our partners and the compelling evidence about porn’s harmful nature are supposed to be enough. But it isn’t.

In the Christian culture we are told the God doesn’t like us to look at porn. Which is true enough (Matt. 5:27-28).Thus, we are taught to fear God’s anger. But the fear of God often isn’t enough to pry us away from the tempting glow of the computer screen.

Today I’m here to offer different reason you should turn away from porn. Here’s the reason, because Jesus loves you.

Why love?
When someone truly loves us it serves as a powerful deterrent against any activity that would hurt the one who loves you. Remember the first time your Dad gave you that “I’m not mad just disappointed” look? Mine came when I just didn’t show up to a job because I was too busy playing video games. I know for me that look hurt way worse than any beating he could have given me. When we love someone we try to avoid doing the things that hurt them.

God Loves Us
We see God’s great love in the book of Exodus. The book of Exodus tells us that God wants us to have “no other god” before him (Exodus 20:3). God said this because he loved the Israelites. He didn’t want to share his love with other, lesser gods. He had proved his love to the Israelites by delivering them out of Egypt. (Exodus 20:2). In the same way when a man loves his wife he doesn’t want her to have other boyfriends. We later see God’s love when Jesus died upon a cross (Phil. 2:8). So sad was God when he thought of his creation being condemned by sin that he sent his only son to die.

But Why Would Porn Upset Jesus?
Simply put when we start on a path to porn addiction we find something that we love more than God. Matthew 5:27-28 tells us that lust is tantamount to adultery. Now in terms of human relationships it is worse to cheat on your spouse than it is to watch porn. To God, however, your love of porn is replacing, or at lease weakening, your love of Jesus. Jesus died that we might be holy and sanctified (1 Cor. 6:11). When you give into the flesh God is sad and disappointed. Disappointed, because he has loved and sacrificed so much only to see you turn down a path to self destructive sin. He is sad because He created you for so much more than self gratification in front of a computer screen.

Great, now instead of fear I feel guilt!
The above is not meant to push us toward putting off sin because we “feel” a certain way. Rather, it is to get us to think about Jesus not as an abstract concept but as a real person with whom we have a relationship. Let me put it another way, Jesus is a real person who loves us. This is the real reason why porn is bad (I bet you were wondering when I was going to get to that). Do you believe that Jesus is a real person with real feelings that get hurt when you sin? If we believe this then sin will be an abomination to us. We’ll want to avoid it so we don’t upset Jesus.

Sin upsets Jesus but how does sin hurt us?
Susanna Wesley summed up sin pretty well when she defined it as “whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself."

Porn hurts your marriage, your sex life, and your view of the opposite sex. More important than any of that porn provides a love that is something other than Jesus. Jesus loves you and wants what’s best for you. Loving porn more than Jesus hurts Him and those around us. Would a real man hurt his wife or mother? Would a real man hurt anyone he loves?

How does this help us become “fully man?”
It may seem a little touchy feely to talk about doing things because we love somebody. “That’s girly” you may say, but consider this. Every year men dress up in funny out fits and brave sub zero temperatures. I’m talking about football fans. To show their team, and everyone else, their great love they paint up their bodies and faces. Consider this less “girly” example. A man who loves his country might join the army to defend what it stands for. As men we do plenty of things out of love. We can, in a manly and decisive way, show our love for Jesus and others by turning away from porn.

So don’t try to cut out porn through power of will or great arguments. Because it just won’t work. Rather, remind yourself that porn is not a victimless crime and that somebody up there loves you.

Further Reading:

Your Brain on Porn

How Porn can Ruin your Sex Life – and your Marriage

The Song Jesus Christ Is Singing to You

Lust: Not for Men Only

Did you like this article? Is there something I missed? Do you have opinions? I would love to hear them? So, put them in the comments section