Thursday, March 15, 2012

Faith and Action

I’m REALLY trying to blog more. I love writing and I love writing about God.

But I’m a serious procrastinator.

Okay, the dear Abby section of this blog is over. What better way to break my procrastination streak than to talk about faith and action?

Almost, every week in my Sunday school class I push our Men’s Bible Study. But on the weeks that we are doing a service project I like to say “because our faith compels us to action we’re going to . . .” I love the idea that the Christian faith compels us to action!

Jesus talked a good game to be sure but he never shied away from action. My favorite verse to illustrate this is in John 2 when Jesus goes in and busts up the temple. But before Jesus the prophets were getting into the game standing up to the followers of Baal, the Philistines, etc.

True men of faith are men of action.

This doesn’t mean that men of faith unthinkingly take action but they always to take action because when you believe in something you act. For example, your friend calls you up and says “the new Doritos Taco is AMAZING! You need to try it!” So you go out and try the taco.

You trust your friend and you believe that what he says is true. Can you say the same about Jesus? When Jesus tells you to help the poor, protect the weak, and stand up for justice do you trust him?

So get off your butt and be a man of action!

Am I wrong am I right? Let me know what you think in the comments section.