Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Everyone likes Batman. It’s easy to see why he’s dark, mysterious, and he’s recently had a string of wildly successful movies. I like Batman just us much as the next guy but when is come to Christ metaphors give me Superman any day of the week.

Superman and Jesus, it’s an odd combination to be sure. But after we examine it a little more we’ll see a lot of similarities. More importantly we’ll look and the differences and see why Jesus is better than Superman, aside from the fact that Superman is fictional.

Strangers come to Earth
Superman and Jesus are strangers who come to Earth, possess fantastic powers, and want to help humanity. Superman comes from Krypton and due to the influence of his parents wants to use his power of help and protect humanity. Jesus is born of a virgin, begotten of God, and comes to bring salt and light to mankind. Superman and Jesus, in terms of altruism, represent the very best in humanity. Superman, like Jesus, is always sacrificial and always willing to help. On top of that his power is so much greater than our own. It’s hard, at times, for us to like Superman because he always does what’s right. We can’t say that of ourselves. We resent a fictional character that always does the right thing all the time. But despite being a big blue boy scout Superman brings one more thing to the table. Hope.

Imagine if Superman were real. You are strolling down the streets of Metropolis and suddenly you’re confronted by a monster of unimaginable horror. Fearing for your life you scream “help me Superman!” and as your life flashes before you suddenly, out of nowhere, is a heroic figure outlined in blue and red. Your emotions go from horror and despair to hope. That is what Superman brings to the table.

All the best Superman comics touch on the idea that when all seems lost you look up and see the big red “S” and everything is going to be all right. Superman exists to fight the monsters that are bent on destroying humanity but are just too powerful. Jesus also came to fight a monster bent on destroying humanity. Jesus came to fight sin but, unlike Superman, Jesus achieved a victory once and for all over man’s greatest foe.

Jesus: The real Superman
In terms of characteristics we see the many similarities between Jesus and Superman. But Jesus was real and defeated sin. Sin and death had plagued humanity for millennia (Gen. 3:19) by the time the Jesus arrived. Jesus in his life and work waged constant battle again the effects of a sin cursed world. Jesus held the sick, helped the poor, and struck down the unjust. But the greatest enemies of man, sin and death, still remained. Finally, Jesus sacrificed himself on the Cross so that man need not fear sin and death anymore (Eph 1:7-8, 1 Tim. 1:15).

So we can now see the main difference between Jesus and Superman. When you call for Superman he only saves you from your present danger. Jesus redeems us past, present, and future when we call for his help against sin. Superman is a band aid and Jesus is the cure.

Using Christ to become a Superman
As men accepting Christ’s help against sin and following his example helps us to be more like Superman. Superman is bulletproof. The Christian has something better. Once you accept Christ and understand that death isn’t the end you have no reason to fear it. We can go out and do great things because death has no power over you. The Christian can be “fear of death” proof (2 Cor. 4:8-12).

Also, you needn’t fear other people anymore. Superman runs around in blue spandex and red underwear. But who’s gonna make fun of a guy who has devoted his life to saving the Earth? Only the biggest of jerk would go that far. The same is true for the Christian man. Once he devotes his life to Christ and follow his commandments people will see the light of Christ in your works (Matt. 5:14-16). Christians will still get mocked but it’s hard to mock a guy who helps the poor and is nice to everyone.

Hopefully this look at Superman and Jesus was interesting to you. I know it was interesting to me. This site is all about ideas so be sure to leave me some comments and questions.

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